Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Travelers Beware!

The Custom authority at the King Khalid International Airport (KKIA) in Riyadh had been very strict checking the baggages, particularly CD’s and DVD’s containing movies, softwares and anything prohibited in the Kingdom. Anyone who happens to bring in these items may take time waiting at the Airport for the authorities to check each and every CDs they found.

That was before, when enticing piece of hardware like flask disks, memory cards and external hard drives were still not found in the market.

But with the emerging of low-priced and convenient flash disks, memory cards, cellphones and external hard drives, anyone can store data, particularly pornographic materials, pirated softwares, etc where he can bring unnoticingly inside the Kingdom.

But be warned! If you think you can get away with the law in the Kingdom, think again!

Recently, my friend informed me that his officemates were caught with pornographic movies and pictures stored in their flask disks and hard drives. The police authorities at the international airport are equipped with gadgets, card readers, etc. to inspect all the electronic devices found in your possessions. They are now detained and maybe end up in jail for this violation.

So if ever you travel back to the Kingdom, its advisable not to bring any device containing prohibited materials which may bring you problem at the immigration.

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